Friday, December 25, 2015

The Christmas Flight

Checked roster
Checked date
25th Dec 2015

There goes my Christmas

To make us feel better for making us work during Christmas, the company provide us with turkey meal!!!
Hurm...not that bad huh...

It was quite a nice set of crew to work with that day
And we got to distributed candy canes to the passenger on board
Only 18 flight that will be distributing and I'm so lucky to be one of them
Distributing candy canes
Means extra job liao lorrrr
Nah...not complaining...hahahaha

The FO even bought us chocolate
So nice of him

The set of crew for the day
From left to right
Saddiq, Liyana (CIC), Me and Victoria

We also took some pictures with the passenger
According to Liyana, the company asked for the pictures
They say they want to know the passenger's response

This was the most sporting bunch of PRC I've ever met on board
Normally they are either too demanding or too annoying
But for today, they were so sporting that we took so many pictures with them

Sorry Auntie, I didn't know you closed your eyes

We also took with some other passengers too
But not as nice as the bunch of sporting PRC

Its was quite an experience to work on Christmas day
Instead of spending money, I work to earn money
Such a workaholic me..hahahaha
Anyway, Merry Christmas to all!!!!

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